Subtypes of ADHD
Common ADHD: Slow wave - 80% of ADHD
The most common type of ADHD is the slow wave type (too much Theta wave). Theta is one of the slower brain waves which cycles only 4-8 times a second. While one's eyes may be open, if they are in Theta, they are in a deeper state with drifting brain waves. Their attention comes and goes. Sometime they focuse, sometimes they "space out." If something is highly interesting or stimulating to them - such as a video game - they can focus, but much of life is not that stimulating for those with ADHD. This common subtype usually responds well to stimulant medication without having side effects. Some supplements such as L-Tyrosine can be used instead of a stimulant.
Tricky ADHD: Slow and Fast wave - 15%
I call it tricky because the traditional medication approach is a problem. The stimulant speeds up their slow wave Theta, but now their fast wave Beta is further accelerated causing symptoms of over-arousal such as: nervousness, loss of appetite, trouble sleeping, dampening of personality, or tics. Thus the medical approach may require a second medication (or supplement)to calm the anxiety caused by the stimulant.
Anxious ADHD - 5%
Brain wave measurement for the Anxious Type of ADHD doesn't show slow wave Theta, but rather they show excessive fast wave Beta activity. A stimulant is the last thing they need. But you may not really know that until you have the brain map done. The map will show which locations have the fast Beta and where to put the electrodes for efficient treatment. Addressing the anxiety can help their focus. Often an SSRI anti depressant or the supplement, 5-HTP, can help their anxiety and thus help their focus.